Dark and Sinister:
I would like to present to you two scenario's. The first one goes like this: You are approached by a person who looks dark and sinister, their eyes are shifty (or really intense) and their over all appearance is down right unpleasant and untrustworthy. Everything about them shouts "I am a no good scoundrel out to take advantage of you!” And everything inside you shouts "avoid this person at all costs!"... And "run away"!!! And then this person attempts to befriend you, making small talk and shows an interest in you and your children. How would you respond?? If you are like me, you would make every effort to make haste and get out of that uncomfortable and creepy situation as quickly as possible, right??!!
Light and Friendly:
Now, here is the second scenario: You are approached by a person who looks good, has a kind and friendly demeanor and shows a genuine interest in you and your family. There is nothing about this person that is outwardly alarming, scary or untrustworthy and they actually seem like someone you would want to become friends with. Typically, we would not hesitate to engage in conversation with this person and, with our guards down, we share our lives, idea’s and heart… and maybe even exchange email addresses?
Lies vs. Truth:
I present these two scenarios to make a point. In all the media, movies, books and programming, how is Satan depicted? Isn't he depicted either as a silly, laughable man in a red suit with horns, carrying a pitchfork, or a dark, slinky, slimy, evil looking dude? And even his voice is some how snake like as he hisses out his words… (Insert Vince Price’s evil voice here). Wouldn’t this depiction automatically put us on guard? Wouldn’t we sense danger and flee? Or, laugh hysterically if we saw him in a silly red suit… :)
Light vs. Dark:
So… what DOES Satan really look like?? How do we truly know when we are talking with him, or listening to him? Isaiah refers to him as “morning Star, son of the dawn!” (Isaiah 14:12) and Paul tells us that he “masquerades as an angel of light”!! (2 Corinthians 11:14) That is what is so funny about Hollywood and the world’s depiction of Satan!! The two descriptions don’t match! I think we are being set up by Satan to look for him as ugly and unpleasant so that when he does come, we are deceived, caught off guard and unprepared for his dark plan. Jesus also tells us that he is “a liar and the father of lies” (John 8:44) so he is not going to be truthful in anything he does. So, with this information, we can be certain that he will not be an obvious person to avoid!! The lie that he is selling us is that his physical appearance is ugly and displeasing, so we think we will be alerted when he approaches, but the TRUTH is, he will appear to us as a friend (angel of light) who is reasonable, kind and friendly. 2 Thessalonians 2:9 even tells us that he is capable of displaying “all kinds of counterfeit miracles, signs and wonders”!!
Good vs. Evil:
So, this is where the danger truly lies. Satan’s greatest asset is that he appears to be “good”, “reasonable” and he makes complete “sense” to us as he approaches us and appeals to our common sense, our “logic”, and the desires of our “flesh”. James 1:14 warns us that we can, “by [our] own evil desire, [be] dragged away and enticed.” Satan presents things to us that are “good” and reasonable to our common sense, and then he twists God’s truth and causes us to doubt God’s word "Did God really say, 'You must not eat from any tree in the garden'?"… “You will not surely die, the serpent said to the woman… For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil” (Genesis 3:3-5)
Obedience vs. Common Sense:
Have you been dragged away and enticed? Has God given you a calling or instructions that “reason” and “common sense” caused you to doubt God’s word? I know I have! When I think about the struggle between common sense and obedience, I can't help but think about Abraham and what God asked him to do. If I knew someone that told me that “God said” to sacrifice his son… I would seriously question this person’s sanity!! Common sense would say “God wouldn’t ask us to sacrifice our children”!! Why would He do that!!? Especially the LONG awaited son that was the result of a promise and a couple of miracles! I have to admit, I would have struggled BIG TIME with those instructions! I think I would have listened to “reason” and “common sense” and reasoned that maybe I had eaten something bad the night before and ignored those instructions. But, there is nothing written about any struggles Abraham might have had. The Bible tells us that “Early the next morning Abraham got up and saddled his donkey.” (Genesis 22:3) and set out on the 3 day journey. There was no hesitation… Even with that said, I can’t help but wonder, what went through his mind during those three days? Did Satan come in and try to persuade him to turn around and go home by causing him to doubt? I have to think that Abraham was not immune to the powers of Satan, BUT, we do have a little insight into the heart and mind of Abraham in the New Testament. Paul tells us in Romans, regarding the promised birth of Isaac, that “he did not waver through unbelief regarding the promise of God, but was strengthened in his faith and gave glory to God,” (Romans 4:20). And then the writer of Hebrews speaks about Abraham’s faith regarding God’s instructions to sacrifice Isaac; “Abraham reasoned that God could raise the dead,” (Hebrews 11:19). Wow. Now that is a man of FAITH. His belief and relationship with God was SO good that there was no doubt in Abraham’s mind that God could and would do something… be it raise Isaac from the dead, or some other miracle, and he was still obedient even if God’s instructions did not make sense to him. He did not let fear, doubt or common sense redirect his steps away from the task God set before him. LORD, help me get there!!!
Faith vs. Understanding:
Ok, I’m sorry I think I digressed just a little bit there. Anyway, just to reiterate, I believe one of Satan’s greatest deceptions is persuading us to believe that he is “dark and sinister” so that he can sneak in as "good and reasonable" to deceive us. Then we actually believe that when we are listening to him, we are doing the “right” and “good” thing, when actually, we are being disobedient, and being robbed of a greater relationship with our Lord and Savior. Here are a couple scriptures that come to mind regarding our thoughts and understanding: "Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding…” (Proverbs 3:5). And another good one is: “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the LORD. As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.” (Isaiah 55:8) How can we possibly think we can out reason God or understand His ways and plans for us?? God says NOT to lean on our understanding and tells us that His thoughts are WAY beyond anything we can possibly wrap our minds around. So, the bottom line for all of us is, to have faith in God and trust that what He says is true and to be obedient to His word. Don’t allow doubt, fear and common sense take you out of God’s will and His plan for you. Satan will always oppose God and convince us that He is unreasonable. “Without faith, it is impossible to please God” (Hebrews 11:6) It doesn’t take faith to do the “logical” or "reasonable" thing! “There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death!” Proverbs 14:12
Lord help us!
Lord Jesus, I pray that you would give us discernment to know the difference between Your voice and the enemy’s voice. Your word tells us that Your sheep know Your voice… I know that this “knowledge” comes from our “relationship” with You! Help me Lord to pursue you with all my heart so that I can discern clearly the voice of the enemy! Thank you Lord for leading and guiding us and for being the Light upon our path. May we set aside the natural man’s desire to reason and allow Your Spirit to guide us no matter how “crazy. Illogical, or unreasonable” it seems, and trust in you with ALL our heart. In Jesus name, Amen!
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