Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Linda's Journal - Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Last night, or rather early this morning, I had a dream that was very spiritual in nature.  It began when I overheard this girl talking about church or religion and saying “who would even want to have anything to do with it!” Even though I did not know this girl I felt compelled to answer her. I said something to the effect of, “There is a difference between ‘God’ and ‘religion’…  With God there is relationship and truth and it has the power to change and transform the lives of people…”  And when I was speaking, and sharing the Truth, I felt a shift in the spirit and I felt power go forth from my words and they had a powerful impact on this girl and it rocked her to her core and brought her to tears!! She felt the Truth of who Jesus was and recognized it! Then, later on in the dream I was sharing with another girl about the Lord and I wanted to show her something so I took her to a “locker room” type setting where I had my books and study’s in one of the lockers and on my way there, I saw the first girl that I spoke to sitting in the room, and she had a book and journal of her own with lots of notes and scriptures and was completely engrossed, enthralled, consumed, overtaken and overwhelmed by the Lord as she was discovering who He was… she was trying to explain it to me but words were not enough, just tears flowed from her eyes. I KNEW what she was feeling and I connected with her there and held her and caressed her like a mother with her child and it was like we shared a secret ‘treasure’ that few find! I assured her that she didn’t need to explain… I knew already what she was feeling and I met her there…  It was very cool!

When I woke up, I thought about both of these segments of my dream and processed them and then got up and did my yoga workout (Jillian’s yoga “meltdown” for the first time!).  After my workout I sat on the couch and got ready to read the “Adventuring through the Bible” chapter on Obadiah but before I did, I thought about the dream again and the connection that the girl and I shared with finding Jesus and the “Truth”. I have that now with some of the girls that I meet with… we share a connection with the truth and we are able to talk about Jesus and our walk with each other that we can’t with others and it is a very special thing. As I was thinking about this I pictured us, the women I have connected with, in a mining tunnel digging in the dirt searching for the gems and jewels we knew where there… and then discovering that the gems didn’t look like what we, or others, thought they would look like… but we found them while others looked past them and missed them!! The truth is always there but if we are looking for something else, we will miss it!! 

So, after that thought process was complete, I decided to get into Obadiah with Ray and was blown away by the Lord when I read the last sentence of the second paragraph; “…but diligent students mine an amazing array of rich treasures at a deeper level…”!!!! Oh my gosh! I never think about “mining” or digging treasures… and then when I do, God uses the same analogy in a book I am reading to confirm what I was thinking!  Lord, you are so amazing!!

Father, I thank you that you meet us where we are… no matter where that is. I thank you that you reveal Yourself to those who diligently seek you and reveal the treasures of the TRUTH in a world full of lies, deceptions and distractions.  You are Truth and Your Love is real and full of transforming power to make us more like You to bring glory to your Name, Amen!

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