Monday, May 23, 2011

Linda's Journal - May 23, 2011

Tom's mom's birthday surprise went over GREAT!!  I was thinking about how I could be a part of the surprise so I thought of the idea to Skype her while she was at the family party and then call to Tom (as if he was here) to come up to talk with his mom... only to have him walk into the room where SHE is!  Not only did that work out perfectly but I got the "front row seat" to see her expression when he walked out in front of her!!  It was so awesome! It was such a great surprise for her and she was in shock and amazement the whole night.  They also gave her a wonderful blanket with all of her children’s family pictures on it with a saying something like “We all love you very much… wrap yourself in our love”.  That was another wonderful surprise for her.  I think she had a very memorable 80th birthday!

So, on Saturday night I shared this story with Beth and she was surprised that Tom was already in CA.  She was thinking that he was going for the reunion so she asked when the reunion was and when I told her June 10th thru 12th she said, "Well, tell him to stay there through the reunion"!!  I told her that he probably wouldn't because he didn't want to stick me with all the work with the guests and the weddings we have coming up (June 4th and 11th).  She said, "We can cover it for him!!  Tell him to stay for the reunion!"  So, I called Tom that night and left him a message letting him know what she said.

So, the next morning Beth comes to the Inn and hands me two envelopes.  She said, this one is your pay for the event (which was double what I was expecting!), and this envelope is from Bud and I, and we want you to open it now.  So, I opened the card and it said “This card is good for one airfare to CA for the family reunion” for ME!!!  OH MY GOODNESS!  So, now I am trying to wrap my mind around me going to CA and Tom staying for almost a month...!!  It takes me a little while to mentally change directions like that…  I was also concerned for Beth because she really needed help with the June 11th wedding and I wasn’t sure if she would be able to get the help she needed.  But, she blew it off and said she would take care of it and REALLY wanted me to be with the family at the reunion.

So when Tom called that morning, he said that he got my message and was appreciative of Beth's encouragement to stay for the reunion but really did not feel right leaving me for so long with all the work.  So then I got to tell him that he HAD to stay because I was going too!  So I told him what Beth did that morning and that blew him away!  He is SO excited and in awe of our Lord.  Not only was Tom able to surprise his mom for her birthday but he gets to stay for an extended visit AND go to the reunion, which we had completely written off as a possibility!  God, you are absolutely amazing!

Now, the other aspect of this is, as much of a blessing as this is, this has brought to me some more “opportunities” to have my faith stretched!!  Bud and Beth’s gift was incredibly kind and generous but, the other aspect of us not being able to go was not only the expense of flying but, we also have the cost of the hotel room, the reunion food and T-shirts and NOW we have to come up with the money for Tom’s change ticket since he is returning on a different day!!  I was starting to go down the “anxiety” road about all that, but I have to believe that if God provided for us up to this point, then, He has ALREADY made provision for the rest!!  We may not see it now but God’s resources are unlimited and, He always pays for what He orders :)  Lord, help me keep my eyes on you and trust you with all my heart and know, without a doubt, that my daddy has it all covered.

And then, we get to the last aspect of all this.  Since Tom is not returning, I will be house/pet sitting AND managing a FULL house of guests for four days by myself… Lord, give me the strength to accomplish all this with grace and efficiency!

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